क्यूईटी अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न: क्यूईटी परीक्षा के बारे में आपको जो कुछ भी पता होना चाहिए

CUET UG FAQs in Hindi

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटीज एंट्रेंस टेस्ट (CUET) हर साल राष्ट्रीय परीक्षण एजेंसी (NTA) द्वारा प्रशासित किया जाता है। यह विभिन्न केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों के स्नातक पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए एक आवश्यकता है। सीयूईटी परीक्षा में जुलाई के पहले और दूसरे सप्ताह में आयोजित की जाएगी। CUET अकसर किये गए सवाल इस पृष्ठ पर संबोधित किया गया है। उम्मीदवारों को परीक्षाओं के बारे में पूरी जानकारी यहां मिलेगी। अधिक जानकारी के लिए, आवेदकों को इन CUET अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों को पढ़ना चाहिए।

NTA का अर्थ क्या है?

NTA का मतलब नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (NTA) है। यह शिक्षा मंत्रालय, MoE (पहले मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय-MHRD के रूप में जाना जाता है) द्वारा एक स्वतंत्र / स्वायत्त, आत्मनिर्भर और आत्मनिर्भर प्रीमियर परीक्षण संगठन के रूप में स्थापित किया गया है।

सीयूईटी (यूजी) क्या है?

CUET (UG) का मतलब कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट UG है। CUET (UG) छात्रों को शैक्षणिक सत्र के लिए देश भर के किसी भी केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय (CU) में प्रवेश लेने का एकल-खिड़की अवसर प्रदान करेगा. CUET (UG) देश भर के उम्मीदवारों, विशेष रूप से ग्रामीण और अन्य दूरस्थ क्षेत्रों के उम्मीदवारों को एक समान मंच और समान अवसर प्रदान करेगा, और विश्वविद्यालयों के साथ बेहतर संबंध स्थापित करने में मदद करेगा। यह केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों और अन्य भाग लेने वाले संस्थानों में प्रवेश के लिए एक एकल प्रवेश परीक्षा है, जो इस परीक्षा में उनके द्वारा प्राप्त एनटीए स्कोर के आधार पर शैक्षणिक वर्ष के लिए उम्मीदवारों को उनके यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश देगा।

CUET एक छात्र के लिए कैसे मददगार होगा?

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट CUET UG exam एक छात्र के लिए निम्नलिखित तरीकों से मददगार होगा:
पूर्व में, छात्र बारहवीं कक्षा की बोर्ड परीक्षा में 95% से अधिक अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए तनाव में रहते थे ताकि अपनी पसंद के विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश प्राप्त कर सकें। सीयूईटी (यूजी) 2022 की शुरुआत के साथ, उन पर एक और एकमात्र बोर्ड परीक्षा में बहुत अधिक अंक हासिल करने का तनाव कम हो गया है।
विभिन्न बोर्डों द्वारा दिए गए अंक प्रश्नों की टाइपोलॉजी और स्कोरिंग पैटर्न के कारण व्यापक रूप से भिन्न होते हैं। ये चीजें अब CUET (UG) के तहत मानकीकृत हो जाएंगी।
CUET (UG) में प्रश्न पत्र पैटर्न वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का होगा जिसमें बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न होंगे और इसलिए मूल्यांकन वस्तुनिष्ठ होगा। इस प्रकार, के मूल्यांकन में विषयपरकता विभिन्न बोर्डों की पारंपरिक बारहवीं कक्षा की परीक्षाओं में वर्णनात्मक प्रकार के प्रश्नपत्र उम्मीदवारों को उनकी पसंद के विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश पाने में बाधा नहीं डालेंगे।
CUET (UG) कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (CBT) मोड में आयोजित किया जाएगा, जहां बिना किसी मानवीय हस्तक्षेप के प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से परिणाम प्रसंस्करण किया जाएगा।
CUET (UG) बारहवीं कक्षा के पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित होगा और इसलिए बारहवीं कक्षा के उम्मीदवारों को इसके लिए अलग से तैयारी करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
CUET (UG) में, छात्रों के पास विकल्पों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला होती है-अर्थात। चुनने के लिए 27 विषय, 33 भाषाएँ और सामान्य परीक्षण। वे अपनी पसंद के विषय/भाषा/सामान्य परीक्षा का चयन उस विश्वविद्यालय की आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार कर सकते हैं जहां प्रवेश मांगा गया है। वे अपने परीक्षण के लिए एक माध्यम के रूप में उसमें निर्दिष्ट 13 भाषाओं में से कोई भी चुन सकते हैं।

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट CUET (UG) देश भर के छात्रों की विविधता को कैसे संबोधित करेगा?

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट CUET (UG) देश भर में एक समान मंच और समान अवसर प्रदान करेगा, विशेष रूप से ग्रामीण और शहरी क्षेत्रों से आने वाले छात्रों को, जिनमें तीन राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड सीबीएसई, एआईसीएसई और एनआईओएस के उम्मीदवार शामिल हैं। CUET (UG) में, छात्रों के पास विकल्पों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला होती है- यानी 27 विषय, 33 भाषाएँ, और चुनने के लिए सामान्य परीक्षण। वे अपनी पसंद के विषय/भाषा/सामान्य परीक्षा का चयन उस विश्वविद्यालय की आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार कर सकते हैं जहां प्रवेश मांगा गया है। वे अपने परीक्षण के लिए एक माध्यम के रूप में उसमें निर्दिष्ट 13 भाषाओं में से कोई भी चुन सकते हैं।

मैंने बारहवीं कक्षा में 99% अंक प्राप्त किए लेकिन वांछित विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश नहीं मिला?

पूर्व में, उम्मीदवारों की यह शिकायत थी कि हालांकि उन्होंने बारहवीं कक्षा में 99% अंक प्राप्त किए, लेकिन उन्हें अपनी पसंद के विश्वविद्यालयों में प्रवेश नहीं मिल सका। यह मूल रूप से देश के विभिन्न बोर्डों में प्रश्नों की विविध टाइपोलॉजी और स्कोरिंग पैटर्न के कारण था। सीयूईटी (यूजी) की शुरूआत के साथ ये चीजें अब मानकीकृत हो जाएंगी। सीयूईटी (यूजी) में प्रश्न पत्र पैटर्न वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का होगा जिसमें बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न होंगे और इसलिए मूल्यांकन वस्तुनिष्ठ होगा। इस प्रकार, विभिन्न बोर्डों की पारंपरिक बारहवीं कक्षा की परीक्षाओं में वर्णनात्मक प्रकार के प्रश्नपत्रों के मूल्यांकन में विषयवस्तु उम्मीदवारों को उनकी पसंद के विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवेश पाने में बाधा नहीं बनेगी।

मैं सीयूईटी (यूजी) और बोर्ड परीक्षाओं दोनों की तैयारी कैसे करूंगा?

सीयूईटी (यूजी) के विषय/डोमेन टेस्ट के लिए पाठ्यक्रम बारहवीं कक्षा पर आधारित होगा ताकि उम्मीदवारों पर दोनों परीक्षाओं की तैयारी के लिए कोई दबाव न हो। सीयूईटी (यूजी) में अच्छा प्रदर्शन करने के लिए आवश्यक प्रयास भी उम्मीदवारों को उनकी बोर्ड परीक्षाओं के लिए अच्छी तैयारी करने में मदद करेंगे। जिससे उनकी पढ़ाई को मजबूती मिलेगी।

क्या कहती है राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति?

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति ने स्पष्ट रूप से स्पष्ट किया है कि उच्च शिक्षा में प्रवेश राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर कॉमन एंट्रेंस टेस्ट के माध्यम से होना चाहिए ताकि उम्मीदवारों के बेंच मार्किंग का एक समान मानक हो।

क्या अब बोर्ड परीक्षा बेमानी हो जाएगी?

विश्वविद्यालयों में प्रवेश के लिए मूल पात्रता मानदंड अपरिवर्तित रहता है जो कि एक उम्मीदवार को किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड या समकक्ष से बारहवीं कक्षा की परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। वास्तव में योग्यता के लिए बारहवीं कक्षा में अंक कार्यक्रमों और विश्वविद्यालयों में अलग-अलग होंगे। इसके अलावा, बोर्ड परीक्षाएं उपलब्धि परीक्षण हैं जबकि CUET (UG) एक चयन परीक्षा है। इसलिए, बारहवीं कक्षा के स्तर पर बोर्ड परीक्षा के निरर्थक होने की संभावना नहीं है। बुनियादी पात्रता मानदंड सभी विश्वविद्यालयों और राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर जेईई और एनईईटी जैसी अन्य परीक्षाओं में प्रवेश के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कारक हैं। विश्वविद्यालय प्रवेश परीक्षा के सिद्धांत समान होंगे। नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी (एनटीए) एक उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली कॉमन एप्टीट्यूड टेस्ट के साथ-साथ विज्ञान, मानविकी, भाषा, कला और व्यावसायिक विषयों में विशेष सामान्य विषय की परीक्षा देने के लिए काम करेगी। ये परीक्षा वैचारिक समझ और ज्ञान को लागू करने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करेगी और इन परीक्षाओं के लिए कोचिंग लेने की आवश्यकता को समाप्त करने का लक्ष्य रखेगी। छात्र परीक्षा देने के लिए विषयों का चयन करने में सक्षम होंगे, और प्रत्येक विश्वविद्यालय प्रत्येक छात्र के व्यक्तिगत विषय पोर्टफोलियो को देखने और व्यक्तिगत रुचियों और प्रतिभाओं के आधार पर छात्रों को उनके कार्यक्रमों में प्रवेश करने में सक्षम होगा।

CUET (UG) मेरे लिए चुनने के लिए अधिक लचीलापन और विकल्प कैसे प्रदान करता है?

CUET (UG) में, एक उम्मीदवार निम्नलिखित तरीके से अधिकतम 09 टेस्ट दे सकता है: सेक्शन IA और सेक्शन IB से 02 भाषाएं, सेक्शन 2 से अधिकतम 06 डोमेन विषय, और सेक्शन 3 से सामान्य टेस्ट। या सेक्शन IA और सेक्शन IB से अधिकतम 03 भाषाओं को एक साथ लिया गया है, सेक्शन 2 से अधिकतम 05 डोमेन विषय और सेक्शन 3 से सामान्य टेस्ट।

CUET (UG) एक महान सामाजिक तुल्यकारक कैसे बनेगा?

कॉमन यूनिवर्सिटी एंट्रेंस टेस्ट CUET (UG) देश भर के उम्मीदवारों, विशेष रूप से उत्तर-पूर्व और ग्रामीण और अन्य दूरस्थ क्षेत्रों के उम्मीदवारों को एक समान मंच और समान अवसर प्रदान करेगा, और विश्वविद्यालयों के साथ बेहतर संबंध स्थापित करने में मदद करेगा। यह वैचारिक समझ और ज्ञान को लागू करने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करेगा और इन परीक्षाओं के लिए कोचिंग लेने की आवश्यकता को समाप्त करने का लक्ष्य रखेगा।

वर्षों से विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा व्यवस्थित रूप से विकसित प्रवेश प्रक्रिया की तुलना में सुझाई गई प्रणाली कम लचीली है?

उम्मीदवार सेक्शन 1ए और 1बी (भाषाएं), सेक्शन 2 (डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय) और सेक्शन 3 (सामान्य परीक्षा) से अधिकतम 9 विषय चुन सकते हैं। उनके पास 13 निर्दिष्ट भाषाओं में से किसी एक भाषा को परीक्षण के लिए अपने माध्यम के रूप में चुनने की छूट होगी।

विश्वविद्यालयों के लचीलेपन और स्वायत्तता के बारे में क्या? क्या इसमें कटौती नहीं की जाएगी?

काउंसलिंग प्रक्रिया संबंधित विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा आयोजित की जानी है। विश्वविद्यालय प्रस्तावित कार्यक्रमों के लिए अपनी संबंधित मेरिट सूची तैयार करेंगे और ड्रॉपआउट के कारण खाली हुई सीटों को भरने के लिए पिछले वर्षों की तरह ही अभ्यास कर सकते हैं।

CUET (UG) का मतलब क्या है?

यह शैक्षणिक वर्ष के लिए केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों के यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए है। हालाँकि कई अन्य संस्थान भी CUET UG में शामिल हो सकते हैं। भाग लेने वाले संस्थानों की सूची NTA की वेबसाइट पर होस्ट की गई है।

CUET (UG) में NTA की क्या भूमिका है?

एनटीए को सीयूईटी (यूजी) आयोजित करने की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी गई है। एनटीए की भूमिका उम्मीदवारों के पंजीकरण, प्रवेश पत्र जारी करने, परीक्षा आयोजित करने, उत्तर कुंजी की मेजबानी करने और चुनौतियों को आमंत्रित करने, उत्तर कुंजी को अंतिम रूप देने, प्रक्रिया तक ही सीमित है। , और परिणाम घोषित करना। पात्रता, आरक्षण, प्रवेश आदि संबंधित केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों/भाग लेने वाले संस्थानों के नियमों और विनियमों के अनुसार हैं। प्रतिभागी संस्थानों में प्रवेश में NTA की कोई भूमिका नहीं है।

आवेदकों की क्या जिम्मेदारी है?

आवेदकों को पाठ्यक्रम, सीटों की संख्या, पात्रता, आरक्षण, प्रवेश नीति, सीयूईटी (यूजी) में परीक्षण, जिसमें वांछित पाठ्यक्रम मैप किए गए हैं, आदि के बारे में जानकारी उन विश्वविद्यालयों की वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध होनी चाहिए जहां वे प्रवेश चाहते हैं और सुनिश्चित करें कि वे वांछित पाठ्यक्रम और परीक्षा के लिए पात्र हैं जो उन्हें सीयूईटी (यूजी) में देना चाहिए और तदनुसार आवेदन करना चाहिए। यह उम्मीदवारों की एकमात्र जिम्मेदारी है कि वे अपनी पसंद और उन विश्वविद्यालयों की आवश्यकताओं के बारे में स्पष्ट हों जहां वे प्रवेश चाहते हैं और यह सुनिश्चित करते हैं कि वे पात्रता आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करते हैं और उसके बाद फॉर्म को सही ढंग से भरें।

इस CUET (UG) में कौन से केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय या संस्थान भाग ले रहे हैं?

भाग लेने वाले संस्थानों की पूरी सूची के लिए कृपया एनटीए वेबसाइट देखें।

क्या किसी केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में शामिल होने की इच्छा रखने वाले उम्मीदवार के लिए CUET (UG) में उपस्थित होना अनिवार्य है?

हाँ। एक उम्मीदवार जो शैक्षणिक वर्ष के लिए किसी भी केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय या उसके संबद्ध कॉलेजों में किसी भी यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश प्राप्त करना चाहता है, उसे सीयूईटी (यूजी) में उपस्थित होना चाहिए। यह अनिवार्य है कि अकादमिक के लिए केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों के यूजी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश वर्ष, CUET (UG) में प्राप्त NTA स्कोर के आधार पर किया जाएगा।

परीक्षा आयोजित करने का तरीका क्या है?

यह कंप्यूटर आधारित टेस्ट (सीबीटी) मोड में आयोजित किया जाएगा।

टेस्ट का पैटर्न क्या है?

CUET परीक्षा पैटर्न वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का होगा। प्रश्न पत्र में बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न शामिल होंगे।

परीक्षण की अवधि क्या है?

भाषा परीक्षण और विषय परीक्षण प्रत्येक 45 मिनट की अवधि के होते हैं। सामान्य परीक्षण 1 घंटे की अवधि का होता है। एक उम्मीदवार को केवल उसके द्वारा चुने गए टेस्ट में उपस्थित होना आवश्यक है।

CUET (UG) परीक्षा की संरचना क्या है?

सीयूईटी (यूजी) अधिकांश विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा प्रस्तावित अधिकांश विषयों/भाषाओं को कवर करने वाली भाषाओं/विषयों/सामान्य परीक्षणों का एक गुलदस्ता प्रदान करता है। उम्मीदवार को वांछित विश्वविद्यालय में वांछित पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश के लिए आवश्यक परीक्षा का चयन करना होगा। CUET (UG) में निम्नलिखित 4 खंड शामिल होंगे:
धारा 1ए – 13 भाषाएं
धारा 1बी – 20 भाषाएं
धारा 2 – 27 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय
धारा 3 – सामान्य परीक्षा प्रत्येक अनुभाग से विकल्प चुनना अनिवार्य नहीं है।
विकल्प वांछित विश्वविद्यालय की आवश्यकताओं से मेल खाना चाहिए। सीयूईटी (यूजी) की व्यापक विशेषताएं इस प्रकार हैं:
धारा 1ए – भाषा 13 अलग-अलग भाषाएं हैं। इनमें से कोई भी भाषा चुनी जा सकती है। प्रत्येक भाषा में 50 में से 40 प्रश्नों को पढ़ने की समझ के माध्यम से परीक्षण किया जाना है (विभिन्न प्रकार के अंशों के आधार पर- तथ्यात्मक, साहित्यिक और कथा, [साहित्यिक योग्यता और शब्दावली] प्रत्येक भाषा के लिए 45 मिनट
धारा 1बी – भाषाएं 20 भाषाएं हैं। धारा 1ए में प्रस्तावित भाषा के अलावा कोई अन्य भाषा चुनी जा सकती है। (हालांकि, एक उम्मीदवार सेक्शन 1ए और 1बी को मिलाकर अधिकतम तीन भाषाओं का चयन कर सकता है)।
खंड 2 – डोमेन इस खंड के तहत 27 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय पेश किए जा रहे हैं। एक उम्मीदवार लागू विश्वविद्यालय/विश्वविद्यालय की इच्छानुसार अधिकतम छह (06) डोमेन चुन सकता है। 50 में से 40 प्रश्नों को हल करने के लिए इनपुट टेक्स्ट का उपयोग एमसीक्यू आधारित प्रश्नों के लिए किया जा सकता है। एमसीक्यू प्रत्येक डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय के लिए 45 मिनट के लिए एनटीए वेबसाइट पर दिए गए पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित होते हैं।
धारा 3- सामान्य परीक्षा विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा पेश किए जा रहे ऐसे किसी भी स्नातक कार्यक्रम/कार्यक्रम के लिए जहां प्रवेश के लिए सामान्य परीक्षा का उपयोग किया जा रहा है। 75 इनपुट टेक्स्ट में से 60 प्रश्नों का प्रयास एमसीक्यू आधारित प्रश्नों के लिए किया जा सकता है सामान्य ज्ञान, करंट अफेयर्स, सामान्य मानसिक क्षमता, संख्यात्मक क्षमता, मात्रात्मक तर्क (बुनियादी गणितीय अवधारणाओं का सरल अनुप्रयोग अंकगणित / बीजगणित ज्यामिति / क्षेत्रमिति / स्टेट तक पढ़ाया जाता है। 8), तार्किक और विश्लेषणात्मक तर्क 60 मिनट
भाषाएँ (13): तमिल, तेलुगु, कन्नड़, मलयालम, मराठी, गुजराती, उड़िया, बंगाली, असमिया, पंजाबी, अंग्रेजी, हिंदी और उर्दू।
भाषाएँ (20): फ्रेंच, स्पेनिश, जर्मन, नेपाली, फारसी, इतालवी, अरबी, सिंधी, कश्मीरी, कोंकणी, बोडो, डोगरी, मैथिली, मणिपुरी, संथाली, संस्कृत, तिब्बती, जापानी, रूसी, चीनी।
CUET डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय (27): लेखा / बहीखाता पद्धति, जीव विज्ञान/ जैविक अध्ययन/ जैव प्रौद्योगिकी/ जैव रसायन, बिजनेस स्टडीज, रसायन विज्ञान, कंप्यूटर विज्ञान / सूचना विज्ञान अभ्यास, अर्थशास्त्र/व्यावसायिक अर्थशास्त्र, इंजीनियरिंग ग्राफिक्स, उद्यमिता, भूगोल/ भूविज्ञान, इतिहास, गृह विज्ञान, भारत की ज्ञान परंपरा और व्यवहार, कानूनी अध्ययन, पर्यावरण विज्ञान, गणित, शारीरिक शिक्षा/ एनसीसी/ योग, भौतिकी, राजनीति विज्ञान, मनोविज्ञान, समाजशास्त्र, शिक्षण योग्यता, कृषि, मास मीडिया / मास कम्युनिकेशन, नृविज्ञान, ललित कला/ दृश्य कला (मूर्तिकला/ पेंटिंग)/ वाणिज्यिक कला, प्रदर्शन कला – (i) नृत्य (कथक / भरतनाट्यम / ओडिसी / कथकली / कुचिपुड़ी / मणिपुरी (ii) नाटक रंगमंच (iii) संगीत सामान्य (हिंदुस्तानी / कर्नाटक / रवींद्र संगीत / टक्कर / गैर-टक्कर), संस्कृत (संस्कृत में पेश किए जा रहे सभी शास्त्री (स्नातक) पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए, एक उम्मीदवार खंड II से संस्कृत को डोमेन विषय के रूप में चुन सकता है। संस्कृत को भाषा के रूप में चुनने के लिए एक उम्मीदवार धारा 1बी से संस्कृत का चयन कर सकता है जिसका उपयोग उनके पढ़ने के परीक्षण के लिए किया जाएगा। बोधगम्यता (विभिन्न प्रकार के परिच्छेदों के आधार पर-तथ्यात्मक, साहित्यिक और कथा, [साहित्यिक योग्यता और शब्दावली]।
एक उम्मीदवार सेक्शन IA और सेक्शन 1B को मिलाकर अधिकतम 3 भाषाएँ चुन सकता है। हालांकि, चुनी गई तीसरी भाषा उम्मीदवार द्वारा चुने गए 6वें डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय के स्थान पर होनी चाहिए – जैसा लागू हो (इसलिए ली जाने वाली परीक्षाओं की अधिकतम संख्या केवल 9 यानी 2 भाषाएं+6 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय+1 सामान्य है। टेस्ट या 3 भाषाएँ+5 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय+1 सामान्य परीक्षा: एक उम्मीदवार को उनकी पात्रता शर्तों के आधार पर कई विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए आवेदन करने में मदद करने के लिए लचीलापन प्रदान किया जाता है)।
धारा 2 में 27 विषय दिए गए हैं, जिनमें से एक उम्मीदवार अधिकतम 6 विषय चुन सकता है।
धारा 3 में सामान्य परीक्षा शामिल है।

सीयूईटी (यूजी) के लिए पाठ्यक्रम क्या है?

CUET UG सिलेबस में सेक्शन IA और IB है: रीडिंग कॉम्प्रिहेंशन के माध्यम से परीक्षण की जाने वाली भाषा (विभिन्न प्रकार के पैसेज के आधार पर-तथ्यात्मक, साहित्यिक, और कथा [साहित्यिक योग्यता और शब्दावली] खंड 2: जैसा कि NTA वेबसाइट पर दिया गया है। धारा 3 : सामान्य ज्ञान, करंट अफेयर्स, सामान्य मानसिक क्षमता, संख्यात्मक क्षमता, मात्रात्मक तर्क (बुनियादी गणितीय अवधारणाओं का सरल अनुप्रयोग अंकगणित / बीजगणित ज्यामिति / क्षेत्रमिति / सांख्यिकी जो ग्रेड 8 तक पढ़ाया जाता है), तार्किक और विश्लेषणात्मक तर्क

मैं परीक्षण कैसे चुनूं?

परीक्षणों का चयन करने से पहले, आपको उन विश्वविद्यालयों की वेबसाइट पर जाने की सलाह दी जाती है जहां प्रवेश मांगा जाता है और वांछित पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश के लिए प्रस्तावित पाठ्यक्रमों, पात्रता, परीक्षा में शामिल होने, आरक्षण, प्रवेश नीति, आदि से संबंधित विवरणों को ध्यान से पढ़ें। ताकि आपको अंदाजा हो जाए कि किस परीक्षा का चयन करना है। विषयों/भाषा/सामान्य परीक्षा की आपकी पसंद वांछित पाठ्यक्रम के लिए वांछित विश्वविद्यालयों की आवश्यकताओं पर निर्भर करेगी। आप वांछित विश्वविद्यालयों की आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार किसी एक या अधिक परीक्षणों का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं। नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करें:
सूचना बुलेटिन में परिशिष्ट-1 में दी गई विश्वविद्यालयों की सूची को प्रिंट करें।
उन विश्वविद्यालयों और पाठ्यक्रमों का चयन करें जहाँ आप प्रवेश लेने का इरादा रखते हैं। विश्वविद्यालय/विश्वविद्यालयों की वेबसाइट (वेबसाइटों) पर जाएं और उन पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए पात्रता मानदंड को नोट करें जिनमें आप प्रवेश लेना चाहते हैं (सीयूईटी (यूजी) 2022 में उपस्थित होने के लिए आवश्यक टेस्ट/विषय यह सभी विश्वविद्यालय/विश्वविद्यालयों के लिए नोट किया जाना चाहिए। और पाठ्यक्रम जहां आप प्रवेश लेने का इरादा रखते हैं।
निम्नलिखित में से सीयूईटी (यूजी) में उपस्थित होने के लिए आवश्यक परीक्षा / विषयों का चयन करें: एक उम्मीदवार के पास किसी भी भाषा / डोमेन विशिष्ट विषय / सामान्य परीक्षा या उसके संयोजन को चुनने का विकल्प होता है, जैसा कि निर्दिष्ट पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश के लिए आवश्यक हो सकता है। निम्नलिखित अनुभागों से आवेदन करते समय वांछित विश्वविद्यालय: खंड IA – 13 भाषाएँ, खंड आईबी – 20 भाषाएं, खंड 2 – 27 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय, खंड 3 – सामान्य परीक्षा
ऊपर बताए गए परीक्षणों में से किसी एक या अधिक परीक्षणों को चुनना अनिवार्य नहीं है। परीक्षणों का विकल्प उम्मीदवार द्वारा चुने गए पाठ्यक्रमों और उन विश्वविद्यालयों पर निर्भर करेगा जहां प्रवेश मांगा गया है।
परीक्षा निम्नानुसार दो स्लॉट में आयोजित की जाएगी। उम्मीदवार वांछित विश्वविद्यालयों के वांछित पाठ्यक्रम/पाठ्यक्रमों पर लागू होने के लिए आवश्यक परीक्षणों के अनुसार स्लॉट I या स्लॉट या दोनों स्लॉट का चयन कर सकते हैं ए स्लॉट -1: 4 टेस्ट / विषय तक: खंड IA: एक भाषा, खंड 2: दो डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय, खंड 3: सामान्य परीक्षा बी स्लॉट -2: 5 टेस्ट / विषय तक: 1. खंड आईए और आईबी: एक भाषा। 2. खंड II: अधिकतम चार डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय या खंड IA और IB: दो भाषाएँ। 3. खंड II: अधिकतम तीन डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय।

मैं जो स्नातक पाठ्यक्रम करना चाहता हूं, वह सीयूईटी (यूजी) में पेश किए जा रहे 27 डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषयों की सूची में उपलब्ध नहीं है? मुझे क्या करना चाहिए?

उस पाठ्यक्रम में प्रवेश के उद्देश्य से सीयूईटी (यूजी) में ली जाने वाली परीक्षाओं का पता लगाने के लिए कृपया उस विश्वविद्यालय से संपर्क करें जहां पाठ्यक्रम की पेशकश की जाती है।

मुझे भाषा और डोमेन-विशिष्ट विषय दोनों के रूप में संस्कृत को चुनने की आवश्यकता है। मैं क्या करूं?

संस्कृत में पेश किए जा रहे सभी शास्त्री (स्नातक) पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए, एक उम्मीदवार संस्कृत को खंड II से डोमेन विषय के रूप में चुन सकता है। संस्कृत को भाषा के रूप में चुनने के लिए एक उम्मीदवार खंड आईबी से संस्कृत का चयन कर सकता है जिसका उपयोग उनकी रीडिंग कॉम्प्रिहेंशन के परीक्षण के लिए किया जाएगा (विभिन्न प्रकार के अंशों के आधार पर- तथ्यात्मक, साहित्यिक और कथा।

परफॉर्मिंग आर्ट्स की परीक्षा कैसे होगी?

प्रदर्शन कला परीक्षा में दो भाग होंगे: भाग ए जो अनिवार्य है जिसमें सामान्य प्रश्न होंगे और भाग बी में वांछित विश्वविद्यालय के अनुसार उम्मीदवार द्वारा चुने गए नृत्य / संगीत फॉर्म से संबंधित विशिष्ट प्रश्न होंगे। दोनों भागों को मिलाकर प्रयास किए जाने वाले प्रश्नों की संख्या समान रहेगी।

CUET (UG) के लिए प्रश्न का स्तर क्या होगा?

विभिन्न परीक्षण क्षेत्रों में सभी प्रश्नों को केवल बारहवीं कक्षा के स्तर पर बेंचमार्क किया जाएगा। बारहवीं कक्षा के बोर्ड पाठ्यक्रम का अध्ययन करने वाले छात्र सीयूईटी (यूजी) 2023 में अच्छा प्रदर्शन करने में सक्षम होंगे।

मैं सीयूईटी (यूजी) 2023 में कितने प्रयास कर सकता हूं?

CUET (UG) 2023, शैक्षणिक वर्ष के लिए केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालयों के UG पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रवेश के लिए है। यह जुलाई 2022 में केवल एक बार आयोजित होने वाला है।

CUET Response Sheet 2024: Download UG Answer Key PDF

CUET UG Answer Key

The CUET UG Response Sheet enables you to assess your performance, estimate scores, and gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses. By comparing the responses with the correct answers provided in the answer key, you can get a fair idea of your performance in the exam. Additionally, the option to challenge the answer sheet allows candidates to raise objections in case of discrepancies. By utilizing the NTA CUET UG exam answer key effectively, aspiring students can prepare for the next phase of the admission process with confidence and clarity.

CUET Response Sheet 2024

The Answer Key of the CUET 2024 is an official document released by NTA after conducting the exam. It contains the correct answers to all the questions asked in the exam. Candidates can use the response sheet to compare their responses with the correct answers and assess their performance in the exam.

The CUET (UG) Answer Key is an important document that all candidates must check. Candidates who have objections to the answer key can challenge the answer key within the limited time provided by NTA after the provisional answer key.

CUET UG Answer Key Overview

The answer key of the CUET UG is dedicated to undergraduate candidates who have appeared for the entrance exam. It includes the correct answers for all the subjects tested in the exam, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other relevant subjects. The NTA CUET exam answer key clarifies candidates’ performance and allows them to predict their scores before the official results are declared.

NTA CUET UG Answer Key
Exam conducting BodyNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Exam NameCommon University Entrance Test (CUET UG)
CategoryAnswer Key
CUET UG Exam Date15 to 24 May, 2024
CUET UG Answer Key 2024To be notified
CUET Result 2024To be notified

CUET UG Answer Key 2024 Link

NTA will release the CUET UG answer key on the official website. The specific link for candidates to access and download the answer key will be shared below. Candidates can log in to the portal using their registration number or login credentials to view and download the answer key.

CUET Exam Answer Key 2024 (To be notified)

Steps to Download CUET UG Answer Key

Aspirants must follow the steps given here to download the CUET UG response sheet in a hassle-free manner. Candidates can check the final key and calculate the marks by downloading the answer key:

  • Visit the official NTA CUET website, exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-UG
  • Look for the “CUET UG Answer Key” link.
  • Click on the link and enter your registration number and other required details.
  • Verify the information provided and submit the details.
  • The answer key will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download the response sheet and save it for future reference.

Details Mentioned on CUET Response Sheet

The response sheet contains the details entered by the candidates on the CUET application form. The following details are mentioned on the answer key, which aspirants must verify after downloading the response sheet:

  • Exam Details
  • Exam Date
  • Exam Shift
  • Question Paper Code
  • Question Numbers
  • Correct Answer Option
  • Marking Scheme
  • Correct Responses

How to Challenge CUET UG Answer Key?

If you find discrepancies or incorrect answers in the official answer key of CUET UG, you can challenge the response sheet. NTA allows candidates to challenge the answer key if they believe responses are inaccurate. The challenge must be submitted online to the NTA CUET website within the given time limit. No challenges are accepted after the last date to challenge.

Steps to Challenge CUET Exam Answer Key

If you have doubts about the answer key released by the NTA, you can follow the given steps to challenge the key. The revised answer key cannot be challenged. The steps are:

  • Visit the official NTA CUET website, exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-UG.
  • Login into the portal with the login credentials.
  • Select the set, and exam date, question number you want to challenge.
  • Raising Objections: Candidates must raise their objections regarding specific questions or answers mentioned in the answer key.
  • Providing Evidence: Candidates must provide valid and substantial evidence to support their objections. This could include reference material or textbooks.
  • Pay Fees: NTA charges a nominal fee for challenging the answer key. Candidates must pay the required fees, if applicable.
  • Await Final Answer Key: After submitting the challenge, you need to wait for the final answer key to know the status.

CUET UG Marking Scheme

Aspirants who have appeared for the exam can check their scores with the help of the marking scheme as per the latest CUET exam pattern and the status of their responses. You will get 5 marks for each correct answer and 1 mark is deducted for each wrong answer. If no answer is marked in any question, no mark will be deducted.

CUET UG Marking Scheme
ParametersMarking Scheme
Correct Answer+5 marks
Incorrect Answer-1 mark
Blank Answer0

How to calculate marks using NTA CUET UG Answer Key

You can calculate the marks you have scored with the help of a simple formula. First, calculate the correct and wrong answers marked by you. Multiply the correct answers by 5 and reduce the number of wrong answers from the correct answer marks. The formula is:

Total marks = (5*answers) – (incorrect answers)

CUET Answer Key FAQs

When will the CUET answer key 2024 be released?

The answer key of the CUET UG 2024 will be released after the exam, on the NTA CUET official website. Aspirants can check the response sheet from the direct link in the article or the official website.

Can I challenge the CUET exam answer key after the specified date?

No, NTA usually sets a specific deadline for challenging the answer key. Candidates must submit their objections before the last date; otherwise, their challenges will not be considered by the agency.

When will the final answer key of the CUET UG exam be released?

The final answer key for the CUET UG exam will be released after checking the provisional answer key challenges. Candidates can check the updated answer in the final answer key.

Is there a provision to challenge the final answer key of the CUET exam?

No, challenges to the final answer key entertained by the National Testing Agency. Only those challenges are considered which are raised during the provisional answer key challenge window.

Can I challenge the CUET exam answer key via email or phone?

No, NTA provides an online link for submitting challenges to the answer key. Candidates must follow the designated procedure for challenging the answer key.

CUET Normalization Formula: Calculate Score And Marks Vs Percentile

CUET UG Normalization Formula

The National Testing Agency has come up with the CUET Normalization of Marks using the percentile-based score to address all the concerns that arise among aspirants due to the multiple shifts of the exam, the difference in the level of exam, types of questions asked in different shifts, and much more. Percentile-based normalization is well tested and used by the most exam conducting body where multiple shift exam is conducted. For a better understanding of the exam, aspirants must check the CUET normalization formula and process.

The NTA has already stated that it will adopt percentile-based normalization in the exam while considering the exam’s score. Knowing that students don’t need to worry about the shift level to focus on the preparation for the CUET exam.

What is the Normalization Score in CUET?

The CUET entrance exams were administered in three sessions each day over several days. It is quite likely that the difficulty level of these question papers conducted in multiple sessions may not be the same. Candidates who took the exam got different sets of questions for each session. Candidates who received the comparably simpler set of questions are likely to score higher than those who received the more challenging one. The “Normalization process based on Percentile Score” will be used in the production of the merit list to address this issue.

Every student will receive a percentile-based score on their result in their shift regardless of how difficult or easy the exam was, according to the CUET normalization of marks process.

What is the Normalized Score in CUET?

The percentile-based normalization is a well-known method used by various agencies to compare the student’s scores where more than one shift is there in the exam. The National Testing Agency converts the score on a scale of 0 to 100 and gives the highest scorer 100. The percentile is given to each candidate based on the individual and the difference between the topper and the individual score.

CUET Normalization Formula

The CUET normalization formula has been made public by the National Testing Agency in a website announcement section. Everyone will be able to understand the formula because it is so simple. The CUET Normalization Formula is:

How to Calculate Percentile in CUET?

Here we have explained details about the CUET normalization formula in 3 steps involved in the process.

  • Step 1: Let’s assume that there are roughly equal numbers of candidates for each shift. This is achievable since the exam is at the national level, thus minor variations have no impact on the outcome.
  • Step 2: Calculate the raw score for their exam. Given this raw score, you can calculate the percentile marks using the formula given here.
  • Step 3: NTA creates a result for the applicants who took the exam using the percentile-based score that has been compiled in one location. Candidates can verify their percentile scores and rank in this manner.

Why is Normalization Needed in CUET?

The large number of candidates participating in the exam is huge. So the agency conducts the exam in multiple shifts and the level of the exam also changes. To bring all shifts to the same level normalization is used in the CUET exam. Aspirants must focus on the CUET Syllabus instead of bothering about the level of the exam.

To remove the luck factor or discrimination in the exam. The National Testing Agency uses normalization to reduce the discord among students. This removes the luck factor due to the level of questions, the number of questions from the topics, and other factors. The marks of each candidate are equalized to a normal level and some numbers are added to a few students’ marks to make it equal with easy shifts.

CUET Cut Off 2024

After the exam, the CUET Cut Off for all the appearing candidates on the official websites of colleges and universities. The cut-off is decided by the cuet participating universities or colleges for their undergraduate course on their official website.

CUET Result 2024

The result of the exam is released by the National Testing Agency after the release of the answer key. Aspirants can check the CUET result from the official website by using their login credentials. The CUET scorecard has all the details regarding the candidate’s marks, percentile, marks scored, and rank with personal details.

FAQs on CUET Normalization of Marks

What is CUET Normalization of Marks?

To reduce the effect of luck in the CUET exam which is conducted in many shifts and for so many subjects the National Testing Agency has come up with the CUET normalization of marks. This will reduce the discord among the students to mitigate the difference in difficulty level, types of questions, and questions from different topics.

How to calculate percentile in the CUET UG exam?

The CUET percentile is calculated based on the candidate’s raw marks in the exam with the help of a formula. The highest scorer will get 100% percentile while other aspirants get the percentile based on the average score and their score. Aspirants must focus on the CUET syllabus rather than the percentile tension.

What is the purpose of normalization in the CUET Exam?

The main purpose of CUET normalization is to reduce the discomfort among the students arising due to easy shifts or hard shifts. To bring the score of all the aspirants the best normalization formula is used. Check CUET eligibility before filling out the application form and preparing.

What is the formula of CUET Normalization?

The formula used by the CAT exam served as the inspiration for the formula utilized for the CUET Normalization of Marks. Applicants should review the formula of CUET normalization in the article.

How to calculate CUET UG Score?

The raw score of the student is the total marks scored by them in their exam shift. It is calculated with the number of right and wrong answers. Check the list of CUET domain subjects for the exam.

CUET UG Admit Card 2024 Out on exams.nta.ac.in; CUET hall ticket download link

CUET UG Exam Admit Card

National Testing Agency has released the Common University Entrance Test (CUET UG) admit card on the official website @exams.nta.ac.in. Aspirants who had applied for the exam can download it with the help of application number and date of birth. The exam is scheduled from 15 to 24 May 2024. Candidates registered for the exam must download the CUET hall ticket to appear without any hurdles.

The admit card for CUET is released for the exam which are scheduled to be conducted from 21 to 24 May 2024. Earlier, the admit card was released for the 15 to 18 May 2024 exam. The exam is going to held in hybrid mode this year. The 15 to 18 May exam is pen and paper mode where as the 21 to 24 exam is CBT (computer based test). The CUET UG hall ticket is must for the candidates to enter the examination hall.

CUET UG Admit Card 2024

The admit card for the CUET UG exam was released on 13th May 2024. It is an important document that needs to be carried on the day of the exam. The admit card contains important information about the exam, such as the date, time, and venue of the exam, as well as the candidate’s details. Take the print out of hall ticket before the exam day to ensure a smooth examination process. Aspirants must follow the instructions on the card carefully and arrive at the exam centre on time.

CUET UG Exam Overview

Candidates can check the important details of the common university entrance test hall ticket in the table:

CUET UG Exam Admit Card
OrganisationNational Testing Agency (NTA)
Exam NameCentral Universities Entrance Test (CUET)
CUET City Intimation Slip05th May 2024
CUET Admit Card13th May 2024
CUET Exam Date15th to 24th May 2024
CUET Answer KeyTo be notified
Candidates Appearing13,00,000+
Details RequiredApplication Number, Date of Birth and Security pin
Mode of ExamHybrid (Pen-Paper Mode & CBT)
CUET Exam Centres500+ cities
Official Websitecuet.samarth.ac.in

Download Link for the CUET UG Admit Card

The admit card of CUET exam is available from the link shared below. The link to download the admit card was activated 3 days before the exam. Candidates must log in to the portal using their application number and password to download the admit card.

CUET UG Exam Admit Card 2024

How to Download CUET UG Admit Card?

National Testing Agency had uploaded the Central University Entrance Test UG admit card on the official website. Candidates must follow the given steps to download the CUET UG hall ticket:

  1. Go to the NTA CUET website exams.nta.ac.in.
  2. Click on the “CUET (UG) Admit Card” link provided at the bottom of the page.
  3. Enter your registration number, date of birth and security pin.
  4. Click on the “Download Admit Card” button.
  5. Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Download the admit card and take a printout for future reference.

Details Mentioned on the Hall Ticket

The details mentioned on the CUET exam admit card must be verified by the candidates carefully. All the details are picked from the application form. If you find any discrepancies in the details mentioned on the hall ticket you must contact the agency for rectification. The details are:

  • Candidate’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Exam date and time
  • Exam centre address and code
  • Photograph and Signature of the Candidate
  • Exam City
  • Medium of the exam
  • Subject combination
  • Reporting time
  • Hall ticket number
  • Exam Day Instructions

What to Do If There is Discrepancy in Admit Card

If you encounter a discrepancy while downloading the admit card or on the admit card such as an incorrect name or date of birth, you must contact the NTA immediately at exams.nta.ac.in/CUET-UG. or the NTA help desk at – 011-40759000, 01169227700. It is essential to rectify issues before the examination day to avoid any problems during the exam.

CUET Exam Day Guidelines

Aspirants need to follow some guidelines on exam day. NTA provide all the important instructions on the hall ticket. The instructions are:

  • Arrive at the exam centre at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Carry the admit card and a valid photo ID.
  • Do not carry any prohibited items into the exam centre.
  • Don’t leave the allotted seat during the exam time.
  • Listen carefully to the instructions given by the invigilator.
  • Answer all the questions on the answer sheet.
  • Do not leave the exam centre before the completion of the exam.

Documents to Carry with CUET UG Admit Card

Aspirants need to go through the verification process where documents are checked and fisting is done. With the admit card, you must also carry the following documents on the day of the exam:

  • A valid photo ID, such as a passport, driver’s license, or PAN card.
  • A black or blue ballpoint pen.
  • A watch with a silent alarm.

CUET UG Exam Center

The CUET (UG) exam centre are mentioned on the admit card for each candidate. The entrance exam is conducted at designated exam centres across various cities. There are more than 500 exam centres for the CUET exam. Candidates must report to the exam centre at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam. The details of the CUET UG exam centre allotted to each candidate are mentioned on their admit cards.

CUET UG Exam Pattern

The CUET (UG) Exam is a hybrid exam which includes computer-based tests (CBT) and offline papers based on the number of students. The exam pattern consist of three sections:

  • General Test (GE)
  • Subject-Specific Test (SST)
  • Language Proficiency Test

The detailed pattern of the exam is explained in the table.

CUET Exam Pattern
SectionsSubjects/ TestsQuestionsTo be AttemptedDuration
Section 1A13 Languages5040 in each language45 minutes for each language
Section 1B19 Languages
Section 227 Domain-specific Subjects504045 minutes for each subject
Section 3General Test756060 minutes

CUET Admit Card FAQs

Where can I download the CUET Admit Card?

You can download the admit card for the CUET exam from the official website of NTA or the direct link provided in the article.

Can I change my exam centre after the CUET admit card is released?

No, once the exam centre is allotted and mentioned on the admit card of the CUET exam, it cannot be changed.

What if I lost my CUET UG Admit Card?

If you lose your admit card, you can download the same from the NTA website before the exam. You need to provide your registration number and other relevant details.

Is it mandatory to carry a coloured printout of the admit card for the CUET exam?

While it is recommended to carry a coloured printout for clarity, a black and white printout of the admit card is usually acceptable.

What should I do if I forget to carry the admit card on CUET exam day?

You need to carry the admit card to the exam centre. Get a copy of the admit card before reaching the centre. Make sure, you keep the hall ticket with you before leaving the house or room.

Domain Subject in CUET 2024: Complete List and Meaning

Domain Specific Subjects in CUET Exam

The knowledge of CUET Domain Subjects is vital for Section 2 of the exam. The CUET (Central University Entrance Test) is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) at a national level. The exam is introduced to give equal opportunity to all studies of the country a single platform to get admission to central, state, and other participating universities. Domain Specific Subject selection plays an important role in the exam.

There are a total of 29 domain subjects for the CUET exam. The agency has added 2 more subjects Tourism and Fashion Studies in the exam. You can select a maximum of 7 subjects for section 2 of the exam. To help aspirants select the best subjects for the domain-specific section check the article. This will help aspirants select the best domain subject to ace the exam.

How to Choose Domain Subjects in the CUET Exam?

Aspirants interested in pursuing their career in a specific subject can select it for the CUET domain-specific subject section in the application form. There are 29 subjects including arts, science, commerce, language, and other subjects. They will get ranked according to their score for the particular subject. This helps candidates in getting admission in a particular subject undergraduate course in their choice of participating CUET College.

The CUET exam is divided into 3 sections broadly. The first is a language that is divided into two sections. The third section is a general test that is compulsory for all aspirants. Section 2 is optional for students if they want to be admitted in that subject course of the particular subject which requires the domain subject score. Aspirants can skip the domain subjects if they want to do normal undergraduate.

Domain Subject Meaning For CUET Exam

The domain subjects are introduced to help candidates get into the course they are interested in for the undergraduate course in the participating university or college. It is a unique way to help universities and students to select the best from the crowd. Check the CUET eligibility for the university and appear for the domain that helps them get the course that they want to pursue.

CUET Exam Pattern For Domain Subject

Aspirants must understand the CUET exam pattern before moving forward with the preparation. There are 3 sections in the exam. The 1st section is divided into 2 sub-sections 1A and 1B. A candidate can select a maximum of three languages for the language section.

The candidates can select a maximum of domain subjects in section 2 of the exam. Section 3 is common for all the candidates which helps them participate in universities that do not require domain subjects.

SectionsSubject/ LanguageQuestionsDuration
Section 1ACandidates need to choose one language from 13 languages40 out of 50 (each section)45 minutes for each language
Section 1BCandidates can select 1 language from 19 languages
Section 2Select up to 6 domains out of 29 domains40 out of 5045 minutes for each domain
Section 3General Knowledge, Mental Ability, Current Affairs, Numerical Ability, Reasoning60 out of 7560 minutes

Domain Subjects List in CUET

NTA took exams for the 29 domain subjects. Candidates can select 6 CUET Domain subjects for the exam of their choice. The list of CUET domain subjects is shared in the table below:

CUET Domain Subjects List
AccountancyEngineering GraphicsMathematics
AgricultureEntrepreneurshipPerforming Arts Dance General Music
AnthropologyFine ArtsPhysical Education
Business StudiesHistoryPolitical Science 
ChemistryHome SciencePsychology 
Environmental studiesKnowledge and Traditional Practices in IndiaSanskrit 
Computer scienceLegal StudiesSociology
EconomicsMass CommunicationTeaching Aptitude

How Many Domain Subjects Are Cumpulsory?

Students can select a maximum of 10 subjects in all sections of the exam. The combination of subjects from different sections is explained to help aspirants in deciding the best possible way for domain subjects. The combination is:

  • Select 2 subjects in Section 1A and 1B, 1 is fixed for Section 3. You can select any 6 domains for section 2.
  • Select 3 subjects in the 1st section, 1 for section 3, and 6 domain subjects are available for section 2.

Check the detailed explanation of the combination of subjects in the CUET exam in the table below:

CombinationNumber of SubjectsMaximum Total test
Section 1Section 2Section 3
Combination 126109
Combination 236110

How to Select Domain Subjects for CUET Exam?

With a good number of choices comes more confusion. Aspirants must be puzzled by the number of options they have for domain subjects. To help aspirants select the best set of subjects for the domain section experts have suggested a few points. Check the challenges that the candidate faces during the domain subject selection are given below

  • Candidates must select the domain subject that has some interdisciplinary topics in the CUET syllabus like science subjects, art subjects, commerce, or language subjects apart from section 1 languages.
  • Students must not worry that the exam will make it harder for them to enroll in streams other than those in which they are already studying in the 12th class. The syllabus of the domain subject is the same as the class 12 syllabus.
  • If you think you cannot score good marks in subjects other than the 12th class subject you are wrong. You must select the subject in which you have an interest otherwise you will feel the syllabus burden during preparation.
  • You must check the website of the university you want to enroll in to know the requirements of courses you want to pursue in undergraduate and select the domain subjects accordingly.

How to prepare for Domain Subjects?

Here we have provided general preparation tips for the domain subjects to help aspirants in their preparation. Based on your domain subject you can mold the strategy to outrank the competitors in the exam.

  • The most challenging section of the exam is domain-specific subjects. Aspirants need to acquaint themselves with the syllabus of the subject they are selecting for the domain section. The topics included in the syllabus are mostly from the 12th & 11th NCERT books.
  • Separate the topics in the syllabus into strong and weak. Start with weak sections which are also connected to other topics. For a better understanding of the syllabus use NCERT and clear all doubts.
  • Attempt the NCERT questions given in the chapter and mock tests to know your level of preparation. Practice makes the man perfect. Keep practicing.
  • Give each domain subject ample time to complete the syllabus on time to avoid last-minute hurdles.

Domain Specific Subject CUET FAQs

How many subjects are in the CUET Domain Subject?

A candidate may choose from up to nine subjects in the CUET exam. Sections 1A and 1B require two languages, Section 2 requires 7 domain subjects, and Section 3 is a general section exam. Alternately, Sections 1A and 1B have three languages each, Section 2 has 6 domain subjects, and Section 3 has three generic examinations that are also accepted in CUET.

How to choose domain subjects in the CUET exam?

Yes, Before choosing Languages, domain-specific Courses, and General Tests, candidates must consult the requirements of their preferred university because these selections must satisfy the university’s standards before the CUET Syllabus.

How many questions from CUET Domain Subjects are asked?

The CUET Domain subjects play an important role in admission to your favourite undergraduate course at a particular university. Section 2 of domain subjects will have 45/50 questions in total, with 35/40 of them being required. In the CUET Preparation, candidates must focus on all 45/50 questions.

How many domain subjects are compulsory for the CUET exam?

There are a total of 29 subjects available to select for the CUET Domain subject selection. These kinds of disciplines are provided in Section 2, along with others like mathematics, home science, legal studies, and history. There is no compulsion to select the domain subject. It depends on the candidate’s interest and their choice of university.

What are the issues faced by students in selecting Domain Subjects CUET?

Students are concerned that the CUET will make it harder for them to sign up for streams other than those in which they are enrolled in class 12. Pupils worry that they won’t be able to continue past the subjects they studied in class 12 and will be forced into degrees in which they have little interest.

What is the meaning of a domain subject in CUET exam?

The domain subject in the exam is introduced to check the candidate’s knowledge they want to take for their undergraduate course in one of the participating universities/colleges. This helps the candidates to stay out of the crowd and get the desired course they are interested in.

CUET Exam Pattern 2024: Total & Negative Marking, Scheme

CUET UG Marking Scheme & Exam Pattern

Recently the UGC Chairman Prof. M. Jagadesh Kumar informed the students that NTA is going to conduct the CUET UG exam in a hybrid mode. The number of candidates applied for the exam are more than expected so the paper is conducted in both online or offline mode. Candidates who are preparing for the exam must acquaint themselves with the latest CUET exam pattern, marking scheme, total marks, and other important details.

The CUET UG exam pattern is designed to test the overall knowledge of languages, domain subjects they want to pursue in their career, and general knowledge that a 12th-class student must have. Check the detailed CUET marking scheme.

Revised CUET Exam Pattern 2024

As per the latest CUET exam pattern, the paper is divided into 3 sections. The language section has 2 sub-sections. The second section is 29 subjects from which candidates can select any CUET domain subjects for the exam. The third section is a general test that has questions from maths, science, general studies, general aptitude, etc.

The CUET exam will be taken in a hybrid mode. Except for the language section, the exam will be in 13 different languages. No time should be wasted reading additional subjects. Students might choose their interest domain out of multiple domains. Check the complete breakdown of the CUET Exam Pattern with the marking scheme below.

CUET Exam Pattern 2024

Check the highlights of the exam pattern of the CUET exam from the table to understand the snippet of the exam.

Exam ModeHybrid (Online + Offline)
Types of questionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Number of Sections4 Sections (Section 1A, 1B, 2, and 3)
Marking SchemeCorrect Answer: 5 Wrong Answer: – 1 Unanswered questions: 0
Level of ExamClass 12th
Medium of Language13 Languages (Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, English, Hindi, and Urdu)
Maximum Number of Tests10 Tests

Detailed CUET Exam Pattern 2024

The CUET marking scheme for undergraduate programs such as B.BA courses is as follows:

SectionsSubject/ LanguageQuestionsQuestion TypesDuration
Section 1ACandidates need to choose one language from 13 languages40 out of 50 (each section)Reading Comprehension, Vocab, Grammer, etc.45 minutes for each language
Section 1BCandidates can select 1 language from 19 languages
Section 2Select up to 6 domains out of 27 domains40 out of 50 in each subjectMCQ45 minutes for each domain
Section 3Reasoning, General Knowledge, Mathematics, etc.60 out of 75MCQ60 minutes

CUET Marking Scheme 2024

It should be noted that the CUET UG marking scheme is the same for both exam sessions. Candidates need to become familiar with the CUET marking system to understand the exam pattern more clearly.

CUET Marking Scheme

Understanding the CUET marking scheme in detail helps you ace the exam. Aspirants must study appropriately for the exam and exercise caution while making the answer if they are aware that there is a negative marking in order to prevent inviting it.

Correct Answer5 marks
Incorrect AnswerOne mark (Negative)
No Answer0 marks

Language for CUET Question Paper

The CUET exam is conducted in 13 languages by the National Testing Agency. English is common for all candidates. Based on the location/ state the agency has given the option to choose any one language as mentioned below:

  • Assamese
  • Bengali
  • English
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Kannada
  • Malayalam
  • Marathi
  • Odia
  • Punjabi
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Urdu

CUET Exam Pattern – Paper Language

The candidates have the option to select any one language with the English language. The languages option for the question paper must be selected during the CUET Application Form submission.

Sections 2 & 3 will be bilingual in nature. In case of any incorrectness in the paper, the English version prevails over the other languages. The agency has shared that the options which can be selected by the candidates are as follows.

LanguageExam centers
EnglishAll Examination Centres
English and HindiAll Examination Centres in India
English and AssameseExamination Centres in Assam
English and BengaliExamination Centres in West Bengal, Tripura, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
English and GujaratiExamination Centres in Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli
English and KannadaExamination Centres in Karnataka
English and MalayalamExamination Centres in Kerala and Lakshadweep
English and MarathiExamination Centres in Maharashtra
English and OdiaExamination centers in Odisha
English and PunjabiExamination Centres in Punjab, Chandigarh, and Delhi/New Delhi (including Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Meerut, Noida/Greater Noida)
English and TamilExamination Centres in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands
English and TeluguExamination Centres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
English and UrduAll Examination Centres in India

CUET Exam Pattern: Section 1B Languages

Aspirants have to select any one language from the given 20 languages for Sections 1B of the exam. Aspirants need to take any one language in 1A and 1B subsections to qualify the exam. The languages are:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Nepali
  • Persian
  • Italian
  • Arabic
  • Sindhi
  • Sanskrit
  • Kashmiri
  • Konkani
  • Bodo
  • Dogri
  • Maithili
  • Manipuri
  • Santhali
  • Tibetan
  • Japanese
  • Russian
  • Chinese.

CUET Exam Pattern – Domain-Specific Subjects

There is a list of 27 subjects from which aspirants can select their choice of CUET domain subjects for the second section of the updated CUET exam pattern. The list of domain subjects is:

  • Accountancy/Bookkeeping
  • Biology/ Biological Studies/ Biotechnology/Biochemistry
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science/ Informatics Practices
  • Economics/ Business Economics
  • Engineering Graphics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Geography/Geology
  • History
  • Home Science
  • Knowledge Tradition and Practices of India
  • Legal Studies
  • Environmental Science
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education/ NCC /Yoga
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Teaching Aptitude
  • Agriculture
  • Mass Media/ Mass Communication
  • Anthropology
  • Fine Arts/ Visual Arts (Sculpture/ Painting)/Commercial Arts,
  • Performing Arts – (i) Dance (Kathak/ Bharatnatyam/ Oddisi/ Kathakali/Kuchipudi/ Manipuri (ii) Drama- Theatre (iii) Music General (Hindustani/ Carnatic/ Rabindra Sangeet/ Percussion/ Non-Percussion)
  • Sanskrit

CUET Pattern Syllabus

After checking the detailed exam pattern of the CUET exam aspirants must check the CUET Syllabus of each section to prepare well for the exam. Here we have provided the subject-wise syllabus for each section to help aspirants in their preparation:

CUET Mass Media SyllabusCUET Sociology Syllabus
CUET Teaching Aptitude SyllabusCUET Political Science Syllabus
CUET Physics SyllabusCUET Maths Syllabus
CUET Biology SyllabusCUET Anthropology Syllabus
CUET Agriculture SyllabusCUET Accountancy Syllabus
CUET Physical Education SyllabusCUET Psychology Syllabus
CUET Legal Studies SyllabusCUET Home Science Syllabus
CUET Entrepreneurship SyllabusCUET Geography Syllabus
CUET Economics SyllabusCUET History Syllabus
CUET Chemistry SyllabusCUET Computer Science Syllabus
CUET Business Studies SyllabusCUET Tradition Practices Syllabus
CUET Art Education SyllabusCUET Engineering Graphics Syllabus
CUET Environmental Studies SyllabusCUET Performing Arts Syllabus
CUET General Test SyllabusCUET Language Syllabus

CUET Exam Pattern – Key Points

Before jumping to the preparation strategy aspirants must check the important points regarding the CUET UG Exam Pattern to formulate a better strategy for the exam. The key points to keep in mind for the exam are:

  • The exam will be held in 3 shifts on different days depending on the domain subject of candidates.
  • Candidates can take a fixed number of tests in one slot. For more tests, they need to select other slots.
  • Aspirants can select a maximum of 3 languages in the language sections.
  • In Section 2, a maximum of 6 subjects can be selected out of 27 options available.
  • Section 3 is common for all candidates and general aptitude, knowledge, and other important subjects understanding of subjects is checked.
  • The language section will test candidates’ understanding of languages, literary, factual knowledge, narration, reading comprehension, etc.
  • The level of the subjects is the same as the 12th standard.

CUET Preparation Tips

It is important to go through the preparation tips for the exam to understand how to prepare the syllabus and outrank competitors in the exam.

  • Since the NTA updated the CUET UG exam pattern. Understanding the new exam pattern should be the first thing students concentrate on.
  • By practicing CUET Question Papers, you can get a better idea of the questions to expect, the subjects that will carry more weight, and how the CUET exam feel.
  • For candidates planning to take the CUET exam, time is of the utmost importance because increasing your speed will enable you to answer most questions with ease.
  • Candidates should constantly make an effort to consult multiple sources when preparing. The fundamentals and key concepts of Class 12th should be well-versed since the CUET syllabus is based on the Class 12th Syllabus.
  • One of the most crucial parts of preparation is revision because candidates frequently struggle to retain the topics they have learned.

CUET Exam Exam Pattern FAQs

What is CUET Exam Pattern 2024?

The National Testing Agency has recently changed the exam pattern for the CUET exam. The exam now has 3 sections. The first section is the language section with 2 sub-sections. The second is the domain subject section where aspirants can select up to 7 subjects from the list of 27. The third section is a general test that is compulsory for all students. It will contain questions from g.k, maths, reasoning, etc.

What is the total marks the CUET UG exam?

The total marks of the CUET exam depend on the number of subjects selected by the students. The total marks of the exam will be multiple of 5 as each question carries 5 marks.

As per CUET UG Exam Pattern, what is the duration of the exam?

The duration of the CUET exam depends on the number of domain subjects selected by the candidates. For the language section, each language paper will be 45 minutes, and the section 3 general test will have 60 minutes for the exam. For the domain subject section candidates will get 45 minutes to complete each subject paper.

In how many languages CUET exam will be conducted?

The CUET exam is conducted in 13 languages viz., Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Punjabi, Odia, and English.

How many sections are there in the new CUET UG Exam Pattern?

There are 3 sections in the exam as per the latest CUET UG Exam Pattern. The first section is divided into 2 sections 1A and 1B. Section 2 has 27 CUET domain subjects and section 3 is a general test that is compulsory for all the aspirants.

How many questions are there in the CUET exam?

There will be a total of 175 questions in the CUET entrance test. Section 1 has 50 questions for both languages. Section 2 has 50 questions for each domain subject. The general test has 75 questions in the exam.

How can I calculate the CUET marks?

As per the marking scheme of CUET, for every correct answer candidates will be awarded 5 marks. For every incorrect answer, candidates will lose 1 mark. No marks will be deducted for not attempting any questions.

What will be the mode of the CUET exam?

The paper will be conducted in hybrid mode only. The NTA will conduct exam in online as well as offline exams depending on the number of students for that subject.

Is there a negative marking in the CUET exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking in the CUET exam. Aspirants must ensure that they are attempting the questions which they are sure this is the correct answer.

CUET Anthropology Question Paper 2024: Download PDF, Sample Paper

Solving previous year question papers on CUET anthropology domain subject is crucial for effective preparation, in addition to completing the syllabus. These resources provide valuable insights into the exam pattern, and question types, and help candidates enhance their time management skills. You can access important practice material and improve your chances of success in the CUET Anthropology exam. Remember, a comprehensive understanding of anthropology concepts, consistent practice, and dedicated effort are key to achieving a good score in the CUET domain subjects.

Aspiring students seeking admission into the anthropology undergraduate in one of the participating universities of the CUET exam. One of the crucial components for the preparation of the exam is the question paper. In this article, we will delve into the significance of CUET Anthropology question papers, the importance of solving previous year question papers, the availability of sample papers, and the process of downloading the CUET Anthropology question paper for the year 2024.

CUET Anthropology Question Paper 2024

The CUET Anthropology question paper is a 45-minute paper, The paper has 50 questions of 5 marks each. Aspirants must attempt 40 questions to complete the paper. The questions are multiple-choice in nature and are based on the NCERT syllabus for Class 11 and 12.

The CUET Question Paper PDF for the anthropology domain subject consists of multiple sections, each assessing different aspects of Anthropology knowledge and skills. These sections may cover topics such as cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, and research methods. The question paper will be designed to evaluate the candidate’s understanding of anthropology concepts, analytical abilities, and critical thinking skills.

CUET Anthropology Question Paper 2024 PDF

The CUET Anthropology 2024 question papers are available on the NTA website with the answer key. To help aspirants we have provided the direct link to the question paper PDF so you can download it for future reference.

CUET Anthropology Question Paper PDF (To be available)

CUET Anthropology Previous Year Question Paper

Solving previous year question papers is an invaluable strategy for CUET Anthropology aspirants to enhance their preparation. These papers can be used to get an idea of the types of questions that are asked in the exam and the level of difficulty. The previous year question papers provide insights into the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level. By practising with these papers, you can become familiar with the format of the exam, improve your time management skills, and identify your strengths and weaknesses in Anthropology. This practice will ultimately contribute to their success in the actual examination.

CUET Anthropology Question Papers Importance

The CUET anthropology papers hold great importance in the preparation process. They serve as essential resources for candidates aiming to excel in the entrance exam. Some key reasons why CUET Anthropology question papers are important are:

  • Understanding the detailed exam pattern and syllabus: Question papers help you gain an understanding of the structure and format of the CUET Anthropology exam. This knowledge allows them to strategize their preparation effectively and allocate their study time accordingly.
  • Familiarizing with question types: By solving question papers, you become acquainted with the different types of questions asked in the exam. This enables them to practice and improve their skills in answering MCQ questions.
  • Identifying important topics: Analyzing questions helps you identify the recurring topics or areas that have been frequently tested in the past. This allows them to prioritize their study plan and focus more on important topics that are more likely to appear in the exam.
  • Enhancing time management: Solving CUET anthropology papers within the stipulated time limit is crucial for success in the actual exam. Regular practice with question papers helps candidates develop time management skills, improve their speed, and enhance their accuracy.

Significance of CUET Anthropology Sample Papers

The CUET Anthropology sample papers are also a valuable resource for candidates preparing for the exam. These papers are similar to the actual exam papers and can be used to practice answering questions under timed conditions. Sample papers are valuable resources for aspirants. Papers are specifically designed to simulate the actual exam environment and provide practice material similar to what candidates can expect in the entrance examination. They are crafted by subject matter experts and cover a wide range of topics and question types. Solving CUET Anthropology sample papers helps you assess readiness for the exam, boost your confidence, and identify areas that require more attention and improvement.

How to Download CUET Anthropology Question Paper:

You can download the question papers PDF of the CUET Anthropology from the links shared above or the NTA website. To download the papers from the NTA website follow the given steps:

  • Visit the official website of CUET samarth cuet.samarth.ac.in.
  • Look for the “Question Paper” section on the website’s homepage.
  • Go to the NTA website.
  • Click on the provided link, the question paper will be downloaded in PDF format.
  • Save the downloaded file on your device for easy access during your preparation.

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CUET Physical Education PaperCUET Political Science Question Paper
CUET Psychology Question PaperCUET English Question Paper
CUET Accounts Question PaperCUET Biology Question Paper
CUET Agriculture Question PaperCUET Maths Question Paper
CUET Chemistry Question PaperCUET Physics Question Paper

FAQs on CUET Anthropology Question Paper

When was the CUET anthropology question paper 2024 released?

The question paper of the CUET anthropology 2024 domain subject was released by the NTA with the answer key option on the official website. Candidates can download the papers from the link shared here.

Where can I download the previous year CUET anthropology question paper?

Candidates can download the previous year question paper of the CUET anthropology domain exam from the links shared here or the official website of NTA CUET cuet.samarth.ac.in.

What are the benefits of solving the question paper of the CUET Anthropology?

Solving the question paper of the CUET anthropology helps you get an idea of the types of questions asked in the exam, assess your strengths and weaknesses, areas that need improvement, and improve time management and accuracy.

How to download the CUET Anthropology question papers online?

You can download the question paper of the CUET Anthropology previous exams online from the official website and our portal.

Where can I find the answer keys for CUET Anthropology question papers?

The answer key of the CUET Anthropology question papers is available in the article. Candidates can download the question paper along with the answer key on our website.

CUET Entrepreneurship Question Paper 2024: Download PDF

Download the CUET Entrepreneurship Question Papers

To help aspirants in their preparation we have provided the CUET entrepreneurship question papers PDF. To gain admission into the undergraduate programme at one of the participating universities students need to take the CUET exam. The paper has several domain subjects and aspirants need One of the essential components of this exam preparation is the entrepreneurship question paper. Solving previous year question papers, in addition to completing the entrepreneurship syllabus from textbooks, is crucial for effective preparation. These resources provide valuable insights into the exam pattern and question types, and help you enhance your time management skills. 

The CUET entrepreneurship paper has 50 multiple-choice questions and is based on the NCERT syllabus for Class 11 and 12. The papers consist of multiple sections covering various topics related to entrepreneurship. These sections may include subjects such as business planning, market analysis, financial management, innovation, and entrepreneurial leadership. The question papers is designed to assess the candidate’s understanding of entrepreneurship concepts, problem-solving abilities, and business acumen. In this article, we will explore the significance of CUET Entrepreneurship question papers, the importance of solving previous year question papers, the availability of sample papers, and the process of downloading the CUET entrepreneurship previous year question papers.

CUET Entrepreneurship 2024 Question Paper

The CUET entrepreneurship papers are a valuable resource for candidates preparing for the exam. These papers contain the actual questions asked in the exam papers and can be used to practice answering questions under timed conditions. The entrepreneurship question papers can be downloaded from the link shared below.

The previous year question papers on CUET entrepreneurship are a valuable resource for candidates preparing for the domain subject. These papers can be used to get an idea of the types of questions that are asked in the exam and the level of difficulty.

CUET Entrepreneurship Question Paper PDF

The question paper PDF of the CUET Entrepreneurship subject is available on the NTA website with the answer key. The question paper can be downloaded by candidates for future reference.

CUET Entrepreneurship Previous Year Question Paper PDF

CUET Entrepreneurship Previous Year Question Paper

Solving previous year question papers is a crucial strategy for CUET entrepreneurship aspirants to enhance their preparation. The CUET entrepreneurship previous year papers provide insights into the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level. By practising with these papers, candidates can become familiar with the format of the exam, improve their time management skills, and identify their strengths and weaknesses in the entrepreneurship syllabus.

CUET Entrepreneurship Papers Importance

When it comes to the preparation of the CUET entrepreneurship domain subject, question papers hold significant importance. They serve as invaluable resources for candidates aiming to excel in the entrepreneurship exam. Some key reasons why you must solve the questions of CUET entrepreneurship subject:

  • Types of questions that are asked in the exam,
  • Help you know the detailed exam pattern and CUET syllabus,
  • Assess their strengths and weaknesses
  • Identify areas where they need to improve
  • Improve time management and accuracy.

Significance of CUET Entrepreneurship Sample Papers

In addition to previous year question papers, CUET Entrepreneurship sample papers are valuable resources for aspirants. Sample papers are specifically designed to simulate the actual exam environment and provide practice material similar to what you can expect in the entrance examination. They are crafted by subject matter experts and cover a wide range of topics and question types. Solving sample papers of the CUET Entrepreneurship helps candidates assess their readiness for the exam, boost their confidence, and identify areas that require more attention and improvement.

How to Download Entrepreneurship Question Papers?

Aspirants can download the question paper on the CUET Entrepreneurship domain subject can be downloaded from the link shared above. To download the question paper from the official website, follow these steps:

  • Go to the NTA CUET website @cuet.samarth.ac.in.
  • Click on the “Entrepreneurship” tab.
  • Click on the “Question Paper” link.
  • Click on the provided link, and the PDF file of the question paper will start downloading.
  • The question paper will be downloaded in PDF format.
  • Save the downloaded file on your device for easy access during your preparation.

Also Check;

CUET Computer Science Question PaperCUET General Test Question Paper
CUET Anthropology Question PaperCUET Geography Question Paper
CUET Environmental Studies PaperCUET Business Studies Question Paper
CUET History Question PaperCUET Home Science Question Paper
CUET Legal Studies Question PaperCUET Mass Communication Papers
CUET Physical Education PaperCUET Political Science Question Paper
CUET Psychology Question PaperCUET English Question Paper
CUET Accounts Question PaperCUET Biology Question Paper
CUET Agriculture Question PaperCUET Maths Question Paper
CUET Chemistry Question PaperCUET Physics Question Paper

CUET Entrepreneurship Question Paper FAQs

When was the CUET Entrepreneurship question paper released?

The question paper of the CUET Entrepreneurship domain subject was released on the NTA website with the answer key of the exam. Candidates can download the paper from the direct link shared in the article.

Where can I download the CUET Entrepreneurship papers?

The CUET Entrepreneurship papers can be downloaded from the NTA website after the exam is conducted.

What are the benefits of solving the question paper of the CUET Entrepreneurship domain subject?

Aspirants preparing for the CUET Entrepreneurship domain subject must note down the benefits of solving the question paper that helps you get an idea of the types of questions asked in the exam, know your strengths and weaknesses, identify areas where you need to improve, how to solve trick questions.

Can I download the CUET Entrepreneurship question papers online?

Yes, the previous years CUET Entrepreneurship question papers are available online. You can download the papers from the direct link provided here or the official website of CUET NTA.

Daily Current Affairs 22 February 2024, Important News Headlines (Daily GK Update)

Check February 21, 2024 Current Affairs here

Read the important current affairs of 22 February 2024. Today Current Affairs covers the headlines IIT Hyderabad Campus, Cybercrime Report 2023, and National Livelihood Mission(NLM).

Daily Current Affairs – 22 February 2024

Students who study current affairs gain understanding of topics like politics, economics, and social issues, all of which are critical to their total growth as knowledgeable citizens. Students that consistently read and study the 22 February 2024 Current Affairs can improve their exam scores and get ready for their future as responsible, knowledgeable members of society.

Current affairs of 22 February 2024, pertains to the most recent global news and events that have bearing on our day-to-day activities. As a crucial component of the general studies section, staying up to date with the 22 February 2024 Current Affairs is crucial for students getting ready for exams. The 22 February Current Affairs is significant because it can assist students become more knowledgeable about general topics, strengthen their reading and comprehension skills, and grow as critical thinkers.

National Affairs

India Liberates Space Sector for Foreign Investment

India has unlocked its space sector for 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) by revising its FDI policy. The updated policy sets relaxed FDI thresholds for different sub-sectors and activities within the space domain. This move is anticipated to streamline business operations in India, attracting more FDI and fostering economic growth, investments, and job opportunities.

Government Initiatives for People with Disabilities

Dr. Virendra Kumar, the Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, inaugurated projects worth over Rs 100 crore aimed at empowering people with disabilities. Notable among these projects is the Vocational Training Centre at SVNIRTAR, Cuttack, spanning 4563 square meters. The center offers diverse vocational training programs, including LED repair, beauty therapy, mobile hardware repair, and soft skills training.

Prime Minister Unveils IIT Hyderabad Campus

The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) witnessed the inauguration of its transformative Campus Development Project by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The dedication ceremony included various facilities such as the International Guest House, Convention Centre, Technology Incubation Park, Knowledge Centre, and more, collectively valued at Rs 1089 Cr.

State News

Education Minister Launches PM SHRI Schools in Chhattisgarh

Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, along with Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai, inaugurated 221 PM SHRI schools in Raipur. Additionally, initiatives like Digital Library for Kendriya Vidyalaya and Virtual Reality labs for Navodaya Vidyalaya were introduced. These efforts signify a progressive integration of technology into the educational framework, enriching students’ learning experiences.

Economy News

Morgan Stanley Forecasts India’s GDP Growth for FY25

Morgan Stanley Research projects India’s GDP growth for FY25 at 6.5%, slightly lower than the previous fiscal year’s projection. Despite this moderation, the report maintains optimism about the Indian economy, citing improvements in domestic demand and macro stability. The analysis highlights robust services exports and declining global commodity prices as supporting factors.

Banking News

PayPal Registers with FIU-IND Under Anti-Money Laundering Law

Following a penalty imposed in December 2020, PayPal has registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU-IND) under anti-money laundering regulations. The registration mandates PayPal to report large or suspicious transactions and implement stringent customer verification procedures, enhancing regulatory compliance in the fintech sector.

Ranks & Reports

India Ranks 80th in Cybercrime Report In 2023

India ranked 80th globally for cybercrime incidents. Local threats affected approximately 34% of users, resulting in the blocking of over 74 million incidents by Kaspersky products. Threats ranged from malicious programs on users’ devices to those hidden within complex installers or encrypted files.

Schemes Update

Expansion of National Livelihood Mission (NLM)

The Union Cabinet has approved modifications to the National Livelihood Mission (NLM), introducing new subsidy provisions. Under the revised scheme, individuals and various organizations can receive a 50% capital subsidy, up to ₹50 lakhs, for establishing enterprises related to horses, donkeys, mules, and camels. Additionally, state governments will support breed conservation efforts, allocating funds for establishing semen stations and nucleus breeding farms.


ADA and IAF Collaborate to Enhance Tejas Aircraft Capabilities

The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Indian Air Force (IAF) to enhance the operational capabilities of the Light Combat Aircraft Tejas. This partnership aims to integrate advanced weapons and sensors onto the Tejas platform, ensuring its readiness and effectiveness in modern warfare scenarios.


Babar Azam Sets T20 Milestone Former Pakistan Captain

Babar Azam achieved a significant milestone by becoming the fastest player to score 10,000 runs in T20 cricket. This feat was accomplished during a match between Karachi Kings and Peshawar Zalmi in the Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2024, adding another remarkable achievement to Azam’s career.

Daily Current Affairs 21 February 2024, Important News Headlines (Daily GK Update)

Check February 21, 2024 Current Affairs here

Read the important current affairs of 21 February 2024. Today Current Affairs covers the headlines Milan Naval Exercise, France’s Highest Civilian Award, International Mother Language Day, and North India’s First ‘Pizza ATM’.

Daily Current Affairs – 21 February 2024

Students who study current affairs gain understanding of topics like politics, economics, and social issues, all of which are critical to their total growth as knowledgeable citizens. Students that consistently read and study the 21 February 2024 Current Affairs can improve their exam scores and get ready for their future as responsible, knowledgeable members of society.

Current affairs of 21 February 2024, pertains to the most recent global news and events that have bearing on our day-to-day activities. As a crucial component of the general studies section, staying up to date with the 21 February 2024 Current Affairs is crucial for students getting ready for exams. The 21 February Current Affairs is significant because it can assist students become more knowledgeable about general topics, strengthen their reading and comprehension skills, and grow as critical thinkers.

National News

Chandigarh Unveils North India’s First ‘Pizza ATM’

  • The first pizza maker in North India, introduced by CITCO (Chandigarh Industrial and Tourism Development Corporation), can produce hot pizzas in just three minutes. The machine is located near Sukhna Lake.
  • Being the only one in operation in India, the pizza vending machine represents a major innovation. The initiative, which draws inspiration from France, is led by Dr. Rohit Shekhar Sharma, Founder & CEO of iMatrix Group of Companies.
  • The device, which produces 100 pizzas a day, outperforms similar endeavors and is made at their Mohali plant. With both vegetarian and non-vegetarian alternatives, the Pizza ATM, which has been in operation since early 2024, quickly establishes itself as a local favorite.

Defence News

India Hosts Milan Naval Exercise With Participation Of Nearly 50 Countries

  • The 12th iteration of the “Milan” naval exercise, which aims to promote maritime cooperation among like-minded countries, is being hosted by India in Visakhapatnam.
  • There are participating navigators from around 50 nations, including the US, Japan, Australia, France, Bangladesh, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
  • In line with India’s “Look East” policy, Milan is a twice-yearly international naval exercise in which Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand participate. The exercise was started in 1995. Up to its tenth iteration, the exercise changed under the Andaman and Nicobar Command.

HAL, DRDO To Begin Rs 60,000 Crore Sukhoi Fighter Jet Fleet Upgrade 

  • For the Su-30MKI fighter aircraft fleet, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) have initiated a major upgrading project valued at Rs 60,000 crore.
  • The program intends to increase the aircraft’s capabilities by combining domestic systems with cutting-edge technologies.
  • India’s resolve to self-sufficiency in defense manufacture is shown in the over 50% indigenous content to be incorporated into the manufacturing process.

Business News

Reliance Industries, Tata Power, Adani Power, And Vedanta Ltd: Private Investment Will invest in India’s Nuclear Energy Sector

  • The Indian government plans to open up its nuclear energy sector to $26 billion in private investment. This program seeks to support energy sources that release no carbon emissions, in line with India’s objective of generating 50% of its electricity without the use of fossil fuels by 2030.
  • Reliance Industries, Tata Power, Adani Power, and Vedanta Ltd. are among the private companies being sought for investments totaling approximately 440 billion rupees ($5.30 billion).
  • The rights to construct, run, and oversee nuclear power plants, including fuel management, would remain with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL).

Tech Mahindra Buys Orchid Cybertech For ₹24.75 Crores 

  • Tech Mahindra, a consultancy and IT services company, completed the acquisition of Orchid Cybertech Services (OCSI), paying $3.27 million for a wholly-owned subsidiary to acquire a 100% share in the business.
  • With about 2,950 full-time employees, Orchid Cybertech Services is a customer experience solutions provider that presently works with TPG Telecom.
  • Tech Mahindra’s dedication to improving its customer experience solutions and expanding its market share in the Philippines is demonstrated by this acquisition.

Important Days News

International Mother Language Day 2024

  • International Mother Language Day, observed annually on February 21st, will fall on a Wednesday in 2024, providing a unique opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate linguistic variety across the globe.
  • The origins of International Mother Language Day can be found in Bangladesh, not in India, underscoring a significant development in the history of linguistic rights.
  • This year, “Multilingual education – a pillar of learning and intergenerational learning” is the subject for International Mother Language Day.

Awards News

Shashi Tharoor Honored With France’s Highest Civilian Award 

  • Shashi Tharoor is a politician, writer, and diplomat who has been awarded the highest civilian honor in France, the “Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur,” or Knight of the Legion of Honour.
  • This award honors Tharoor’s outstanding contributions to India and the globe at large, as well as his lifetime commitment to promoting international understanding.
  • The Legion of Honour, which Napoleon Bonaparte founded in 1802, is the pinnacle of French distinction for exceptional service to France, regardless of nationality.

Sports News

8-Year-Old From Singapore Beats Polish Grandmaster, Sets Record

  • Ashwath Kaushik, an eight-year-old Singaporean chess prodigy, defeated experienced Polish grandmaster Jacek Stopa to become the youngest player in history to defeat a grandmaster.
  • Just a few days prior to his victory, Ashwath Kaushik broke the previous age record at the age of eight years and six months.
  • The previous record holder, eight years and eleven months old Serbian Leonid Ivanovic, defeated the fifty-nine-year-old Bulgarian Milko Popchev.

Obituaries News

Senior Supreme Court Advocate Fali S Nariman Passes Away At 95 

  • Fali S. Nariman, a prominent constitutional jurist and senior attorney of the Supreme Court, passed away yesterday in New Delhi at the age of 95.
  • In 1961, he started the process of becoming a senior advocate, which signaled the start of a seven-decade legal career.
  • The foundation for Nariman’s career was set during his early years in the High Court of Bombay. In 1972, he relocated to New Delhi, where he would make a lasting impact on the history of the Supreme Court of India.