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CUET Normalization Formula: Calculate Score And Marks Vs Percentile

CUET UG Normalization Formula

Check the CUET UG Normalization Formula here.

The National Testing Agency has come up with the CUET Normalization of Marks using the percentile-based score to address all the concerns that arise among aspirants due to the multiple shifts of the exam, the difference in the level of exam, types of questions asked in different shifts, and much more. Percentile-based normalization is well tested and used by the most exam conducting body where multiple shift exam is conducted. For a better understanding of the exam, aspirants must check the CUET normalization formula and process.

The NTA has already stated that it will adopt percentile-based normalization in the exam while considering the exam’s score. Knowing that students don’t need to worry about the shift level to focus on the preparation for the CUET exam.

What is the Normalization Score in CUET?

The CUET entrance exams were administered in three sessions each day over several days. It is quite likely that the difficulty level of these question papers conducted in multiple sessions may not be the same. Candidates who took the exam got different sets of questions for each session. Candidates who received the comparably simpler set of questions are likely to score higher than those who received the more challenging one. The “Normalization process based on Percentile Score” will be used in the production of the merit list to address this issue.

Every student will receive a percentile-based score on their result in their shift regardless of how difficult or easy the exam was, according to the CUET normalization of marks process.

What is the Normalized Score in CUET?

The percentile-based normalization is a well-known method used by various agencies to compare the student’s scores where more than one shift is there in the exam. The National Testing Agency converts the score on a scale of 0 to 100 and gives the highest scorer 100. The percentile is given to each candidate based on the individual and the difference between the topper and the individual score.

CUET Normalization Formula

The CUET normalization formula has been made public by the National Testing Agency in a website announcement section. Everyone will be able to understand the formula because it is so simple. The CUET Normalization Formula is:

How to Calculate Percentile in CUET?

Here we have explained details about the CUET normalization formula in 3 steps involved in the process.

Why is Normalization Needed in CUET?

The large number of candidates participating in the exam is huge. So the agency conducts the exam in multiple shifts and the level of the exam also changes. To bring all shifts to the same level normalization is used in the CUET exam. Aspirants must focus on the CUET Syllabus instead of bothering about the level of the exam.

To remove the luck factor or discrimination in the exam. The National Testing Agency uses normalization to reduce the discord among students. This removes the luck factor due to the level of questions, the number of questions from the topics, and other factors. The marks of each candidate are equalized to a normal level and some numbers are added to a few students’ marks to make it equal with easy shifts.

CUET Cut Off 2024

After the exam, the CUET Cut Off for all the appearing candidates on the official websites of colleges and universities. The cut-off is decided by the cuet participating universities or colleges for their undergraduate course on their official website.

CUET Result 2024

The result of the exam is released by the National Testing Agency after the release of the answer key. Aspirants can check the CUET result from the official website by using their login credentials. The CUET scorecard has all the details regarding the candidate’s marks, percentile, marks scored, and rank with personal details.

FAQs on CUET Normalization of Marks

What is CUET Normalization of Marks?

To reduce the effect of luck in the CUET exam which is conducted in many shifts and for so many subjects the National Testing Agency has come up with the CUET normalization of marks. This will reduce the discord among the students to mitigate the difference in difficulty level, types of questions, and questions from different topics.

How to calculate percentile in the CUET UG exam?

The CUET percentile is calculated based on the candidate’s raw marks in the exam with the help of a formula. The highest scorer will get 100% percentile while other aspirants get the percentile based on the average score and their score. Aspirants must focus on the CUET syllabus rather than the percentile tension.

What is the purpose of normalization in the CUET Exam?

The main purpose of CUET normalization is to reduce the discomfort among the students arising due to easy shifts or hard shifts. To bring the score of all the aspirants the best normalization formula is used. Check CUET eligibility before filling out the application form and preparing.

What is the formula of CUET Normalization?

The formula used by the CAT exam served as the inspiration for the formula utilized for the CUET Normalization of Marks. Applicants should review the formula of CUET normalization in the article.

How to calculate CUET UG Score?

The raw score of the student is the total marks scored by them in their exam shift. It is calculated with the number of right and wrong answers. Check the list of CUET domain subjects for the exam.

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