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Domain Subject in CUET 2024: Complete List and Meaning

Domain Specific Subjects in CUET Exam

Check the list of Domain Specific Subjects in CUET Exam here

The knowledge of CUET Domain Subjects is vital for Section 2 of the exam. The CUET (Central University Entrance Test) is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) at a national level. The exam is introduced to give equal opportunity to all studies of the country a single platform to get admission to central, state, and other participating universities. Domain Specific Subject selection plays an important role in the exam.

There are a total of 29 domain subjects for the CUET exam. The agency has added 2 more subjects Tourism and Fashion Studies in the exam. You can select a maximum of 7 subjects for section 2 of the exam. To help aspirants select the best subjects for the domain-specific section check the article. This will help aspirants select the best domain subject to ace the exam.

How to Choose Domain Subjects in the CUET Exam?

Aspirants interested in pursuing their career in a specific subject can select it for the CUET domain-specific subject section in the application form. There are 29 subjects including arts, science, commerce, language, and other subjects. They will get ranked according to their score for the particular subject. This helps candidates in getting admission in a particular subject undergraduate course in their choice of participating CUET College.

The CUET exam is divided into 3 sections broadly. The first is a language that is divided into two sections. The third section is a general test that is compulsory for all aspirants. Section 2 is optional for students if they want to be admitted in that subject course of the particular subject which requires the domain subject score. Aspirants can skip the domain subjects if they want to do normal undergraduate.

Domain Subject Meaning For CUET Exam

The domain subjects are introduced to help candidates get into the course they are interested in for the undergraduate course in the participating university or college. It is a unique way to help universities and students to select the best from the crowd. Check the CUET eligibility for the university and appear for the domain that helps them get the course that they want to pursue.

CUET Exam Pattern For Domain Subject

Aspirants must understand the CUET exam pattern before moving forward with the preparation. There are 3 sections in the exam. The 1st section is divided into 2 sub-sections 1A and 1B. A candidate can select a maximum of three languages for the language section.

The candidates can select a maximum of domain subjects in section 2 of the exam. Section 3 is common for all the candidates which helps them participate in universities that do not require domain subjects.

SectionsSubject/ LanguageQuestionsDuration
Section 1ACandidates need to choose one language from 13 languages40 out of 50 (each section)45 minutes for each language
Section 1BCandidates can select 1 language from 19 languages
Section 2Select up to 6 domains out of 29 domains40 out of 5045 minutes for each domain
Section 3General Knowledge, Mental Ability, Current Affairs, Numerical Ability, Reasoning60 out of 7560 minutes

Domain Subjects List in CUET

NTA took exams for the 29 domain subjects. Candidates can select 6 CUET Domain subjects for the exam of their choice. The list of CUET domain subjects is shared in the table below:

CUET Domain Subjects List
AccountancyEngineering GraphicsMathematics
AgricultureEntrepreneurshipPerforming Arts Dance General Music
AnthropologyFine ArtsPhysical Education
Business StudiesHistoryPolitical Science 
ChemistryHome SciencePsychology 
Environmental studiesKnowledge and Traditional Practices in IndiaSanskrit 
Computer scienceLegal StudiesSociology
EconomicsMass CommunicationTeaching Aptitude

How Many Domain Subjects Are Cumpulsory?

Students can select a maximum of 10 subjects in all sections of the exam. The combination of subjects from different sections is explained to help aspirants in deciding the best possible way for domain subjects. The combination is:

Check the detailed explanation of the combination of subjects in the CUET exam in the table below:

CombinationNumber of SubjectsMaximum Total test
Section 1Section 2Section 3
Combination 126109
Combination 236110

How to Select Domain Subjects for CUET Exam?

With a good number of choices comes more confusion. Aspirants must be puzzled by the number of options they have for domain subjects. To help aspirants select the best set of subjects for the domain section experts have suggested a few points. Check the challenges that the candidate faces during the domain subject selection are given below

How to prepare for Domain Subjects?

Here we have provided general preparation tips for the domain subjects to help aspirants in their preparation. Based on your domain subject you can mold the strategy to outrank the competitors in the exam.

Domain Specific Subject CUET FAQs

How many subjects are in the CUET Domain Subject?

A candidate may choose from up to nine subjects in the CUET exam. Sections 1A and 1B require two languages, Section 2 requires 7 domain subjects, and Section 3 is a general section exam. Alternately, Sections 1A and 1B have three languages each, Section 2 has 6 domain subjects, and Section 3 has three generic examinations that are also accepted in CUET.

How to choose domain subjects in the CUET exam?

Yes, Before choosing Languages, domain-specific Courses, and General Tests, candidates must consult the requirements of their preferred university because these selections must satisfy the university’s standards before the CUET Syllabus.

How many questions from CUET Domain Subjects are asked?

The CUET Domain subjects play an important role in admission to your favourite undergraduate course at a particular university. Section 2 of domain subjects will have 45/50 questions in total, with 35/40 of them being required. In the CUET Preparation, candidates must focus on all 45/50 questions.

How many domain subjects are compulsory for the CUET exam?

There are a total of 29 subjects available to select for the CUET Domain subject selection. These kinds of disciplines are provided in Section 2, along with others like mathematics, home science, legal studies, and history. There is no compulsion to select the domain subject. It depends on the candidate’s interest and their choice of university.

What are the issues faced by students in selecting Domain Subjects CUET?

Students are concerned that the CUET will make it harder for them to sign up for streams other than those in which they are enrolled in class 12. Pupils worry that they won’t be able to continue past the subjects they studied in class 12 and will be forced into degrees in which they have little interest.

What is the meaning of a domain subject in CUET exam?

The domain subject in the exam is introduced to check the candidate’s knowledge they want to take for their undergraduate course in one of the participating universities/colleges. This helps the candidates to stay out of the crowd and get the desired course they are interested in.

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